Hospital prescriptions

Where a patient’s medication is changed during an inpatient or day case stay, the Hospital will ensure that the patient is provided at discharge with a minimum of 14 day’s supply or sufficient to finish a treatment course with the exception of the following.

  • Patients who have been assessed as requiring a dosette box on discharge -7 day’s supply of medication in a dosette box will be provided. With the patient’s agreement a referral through the discharge medicines service will be made to the patients nominated Community Pharmacy.
  • Patients requiring pain medication after an acute intervention – a suitable quantity maximum 14 days, should be provided to cover the patient until the point where the patient’s pain can be managed with over the counter medications in discussion with their local pharmacist. This should be clear on the discharge summary.
  • In the instance where the Hospital are supplying acute medicines i.e. a defined course of antibiotics or steroids the Hospital will supply the entire course unless agreed with the patient and the GP in advance or clinically inappropriate to do so.

Date published: 12th December, 2024
Date last updated: 12th December, 2024